HTML Paragraph

HTML Paragraph

HTML Paragraph

  • HTML Paragraph is defined by <p> tag and it is used to write the content of articles and blogs on our web page.

  • All the content of articles goes inside <p> and </p> tag.

  • "The default font size of the HTML Paragraph is 16px which is equivalent to 1em on desktop browser screen (1em=16px). It may vary from device to device."

For more Why We Should Use "em" Unit instead of "px, cm, % etc."

<p>All the content of the articles goes here.....</p>
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Example Explanation:

In the above, we have shown an example of HTML Paragraph.

Run the code to see the effect.

Proper organization of the <p>community project is necessary</p> for rural economic development.
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Example Explanation:

In the above, we have shown an example of browser's default nature with HTML Paragraph.

When we use HTML Paragraph in between the texts then the browser automatically adds two new line
1. Before the opening of p tag.
2. After the closing of p tag.

Run the code to see the effect.

<p>Asia is the world's largest                  continent.</p>
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Example Explanation:

In the above, we have shown an example of browser's default nature with HTML Paragraph.

When we use More than one space inside the HTML paragraph then browser ignored all the extra spaces.

Run the code to see the effect.

HTML Paragraph in Hindi

Best Use:360p or more (480p or 720p)

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